Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Discworld 2 support added to SVN

Well, it's been a little over three months since my last posting, and now my current efforts are finally complete.. as of last night, Discworld 2 support has been committed into the ScummVM trunk.

First things first - setup instructions will probably be added into the main README shortly, but for those of you who just can't wait to get it up and running need to do the following steps:
copy the contents of both CDs into a folder on your hard disk, and rename the ENGLISH.* files on both CDs into ENGLISH1.* and ENGLISH2.* respectively. That goes for other foreign language versions the same, with whatever the language name being.

Remember that Discworld 2 isn't officially supported by ScummVM yet. To play it, you'll need the latest daily build from at least 2/12/08, or build it yourself. We also don't have a Discworld category under the ScummVM Bug Tracker, so any issues would be best discussed in the IRC channel or on the forums.

Special thanks go to DrMcCoy, who pitched in and implemented the changes to the sound/music handling for Discworld 2. Also to the rest of the team who participated in the Discworld 1 development, who provided the occasional code additions and testing during integration of the Discworld 2 code.

In case anyone's been wondering about my progress on the M4 engine, well, my apologies, but wouldn't you know that barely a few days had passed after my last blog posting when we got the Discworld 2 source. So I never really had a chance to delve much further into the graphics system like I said I would. Never fret, though, it's still a long term goal to finish disassembling Rex Nebular and start adding support for it, although I'll probably put it on hiatus again if the team gets given the source code for any other game that needs implementing. As fun as reverse engineering is for me, it's nice to work on a project where you can see rapid results from your work.

What's next for me? Now that the code's been publically released, I plan to move onto adding support for the Discworld 1 demo. I've already been spending some off time working on a disassembly of the executable, cross-referencing methods against the Discworld 1 source, and it shouldn't be long before I can start adding demo-specific code to the Tinsel engine.

Oh, and of course, I've still got copies of LittleBigPlanet and Fallout 3 on the shelf waiting to be played. They've been calling out to me in the middle of the night, saying 'Play me, play me', but I've been firm.. I wasn't going to play them until Discworld 2 was finished. Now that it has, I expect to spend some quality time this Christmas traversing the wasteland, and blowing the crap out of stuff. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've got the US version working in a build of ScummVM from this morning. Here's the detection code if you want it ;)

    // US Discworld 2 release
    {"dw2.scn", 0, "c6d15ce9720a9d8fef06e6582dcf3f34", 103593},
    {"english1.smp", 0, "cf8ceaee28e53850792e35fc86263bb5", 105358318},
    {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
